Study and experience and the Maxwell Empire Books


Taught Physics and the other sciences.

1984 Did a unit on Astrophysics at WAIT which became Curtin Uni.

1993 – 1999 Conducted the business Kangaroo Tours in Thailand. Some groups were doing English Language in Perth. The course provided by the school was not adapted to the itinerary hence I made my own course for groups.

1999 – 2001 English Language School in Nong Khai, Thailand. Produced a book of exercises with a tape of dozens of my talks to be listened to and questions answered for students at St Paul School.

I had books and tapes for sale on a website I had at the time which resulted in Fred, in South Korea, wanting me to go there to teach English. I produced about 400 exercises for teaching English while there.

Some of the exercises are plays for nine students which I used in class. This resulted in the plays in “The World Down Under”.

In that world most people lived beneath the surface of the Earth because of the nuclear wars that had devastated the planet years before. People on the Moon also lived beneath the surface.

These ideas led to the belief that having 200 or so countries was bad hence Julius Maxwell forms the World Government in 2645.

The wars where people oppose the formation of the World Government is included in the World History.

Humans are a plague at present and need to be limited to 2 billion. Microchips help know what they are up to. George Orwell would have used those if they had been around in 1960.

Humans need to have a culture that respects all living things hence The Family of All Life Alliance. They also need to allow people to depart this life with dignity not as my Aunt Pauline did.See Maxwell Empire Scripted Book 1 Chapter 1.See Maxwell Empire Scripted Book 1 Chapter 1.

With religion banned after 2733 humans need a set of guidelines for living, hence The Octet. These guidelines are relevant in the present day for all those people who do not show respect for other life.

Waylon Johncock needs to follow them.

Some years ago I had the plan to write my life history as a set of 4 books and contacted Xlibris for publication in response to an advertisement. That did not happen but some of my story is on this website. I contacted them again for these books and then found Amazon.

Covid 19 meant young people were isolated physically but not electronically hence with the books being written as two person plays they countered isolation. It also was an opportunity for students in Remote Communities to gain a wider perception of life than just Johnny chases a kangaroo and read with Albury people in English.

Having kids brought up speaking an insignificant language as first language when Australia speaks English is criminal. The remote schools I emailed did not respond to my email.

The books are available on Amazon.Amazon.

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