Maxwell Empire Scripted Book 2 Chapter 1
Rusty’s dinner
Dad, I don’t want to give Rusty his dinner any more.
Why not, Davey?
I could be feeding him Uncle Malcolm and I don’t want to.
Davey, the chances of there being any Uncle Malcolm in the tin is really very, very small.
Well, I don’t care how small it is I could still be feeding Rusty Uncle Malcolm.
Can you imagine just how small it would be with all those who died trying to free Justin Davies being added to the pet food pile? If you like you can give him chicken until you are sure Uncle Malcolm is all gone.
You pointing out all the dead from 34 are waiting to be processed makes me wonder if he will ever be all gone.
I’m sure he will. But just as well that Rusty likes chicken.
Right, chicken it is. Here Rusty, come and get your dinner.
The Justin Davies people that were not killed are putting on a show at the Arena. Several shows actually. There are so many of them waiting to be fish fooded.
I don’t know that I want to watch the June Arena Show. They are usually gruesome but this one is likely to be extremely so; they will want to scare everyone off the idea of rebelling.
Probably a good idea, Davey. I don’t know if they will be chased around the Arena by pigs or dogs or something new. There was a suggestion a large number of Hunters wanted to chop off a whole lot of heads, legs, arms and whatever else. They are pretty upset by the number of Hunters killed at Hunt 34 when they tried to rescue Justin Davies.
The Hunters might find they are the hunted. The pictures I have seen of the South Americans shows that they are big and fit and they will be wanting a fight.
Yes, apart from you and a whole lot of other kids not watching I think the audience for this Arena Show will be one of the largest ever. The action is likely to be really exciting with lots of blood and gore.
So there will be even more food to add to the pile with Uncle Malcolm in it. I don’t think he will ever disappear.
One thing about it though Davey, it does make you think of my brother every time you go to feed Rusty.
I will think of him for the rest of my life when I go to feed my pets from Rusty One to Rusty Two to Rusty Three. Perhaps there might be a Rusty Four.
People do clone their pets so they have the same looking dog or cat or whatever forever.
No, Dad. I was just thinking they would all have the name Rusty. They would be Dog One then Dog Two and so on. I guess there might even be a cat in there somewhere.
Right, Davey. Just normal dogs or cats.
You could watch the Show with Grandpa, Dad.
Good idea. Your Grandpa and I could make a party of it. Anyway Davey. Seeing Rusty has eaten we had better eat.
Right Dad. I’ll let robocook know we are ready to eat.
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